Groundbreaking Black Education scholarship helpful to understanding and operationalizing Black children’s possibility.

  • Toliver, S. (2019). Breaking Binaries: #BlackGirlMagic and the Black Ratchet Imagination. Journal of Language & Literacy Education, 15(1).

    Toliver, S. R. (2023). “Weird Is Normal”: A Womanist Discourse Analysis of Black Girl Nerds’ Community Building. Equity & Excellence in Education, 56(1-2), 206–220.

    Leyva, L. A., McNeill, R. T., Balmer, B. R., Marshall, B. L., King, V. E., & Alley, Z. D. (2022). Black queer students’ counter-stories of invisibility in undergraduate STEM as a white, cisheteropatriarchal space. American Educational Research Journal, 59(5), 863-904.

  • Baszile, D. T. (2019). Rewriting/recurricularlizing as a matter of life and death: The coloniality of academic writing and the challenge of black mattering therein. Curriculum Inquiry, 49(1), 7–24.

    Edwards, E., McArthur, S. A., & Russell-Owens, L. (2016). Relationships, Being-ness, and Voice: Exploring Multiple Dimensions of Humanizing Work with Black Girls. Equity & Excellence in Education, 49(4), 428–439.

    Ginwright, S. A. (2007). Black Youth Activism and the Role of Critical Social Capital in Black Community Organizations. The American Behavioral Scientist (Beverly Hills), 51(3), 403–418.

    Morton, T. R., Gee, D. S., & Woodson, A. N. (2019). Being vs. Becoming: Transcending STEM Identity Development through Afropessimism, Moving toward a Black X Consciousness in STEM. The Journal of Negro Education, 88(3), 327–342.

    Woodson, A. N., & Love, B. L. (2019). Outstanding: Centering Black Kids’ Enoughness in Civic Education Research. Multicultural Perspectives (Mahwah, N.J.), 21(2), 91–96.

    Boutte, G., & Bryan, N. (2019). When will Black children be well? Interrupting anti-Black violence in early childhood classrooms and schools. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 1463949119890598.

  • Caldera A. L. (2020). Eradicating anti-black racism in US schools: A call-to-action for school leaders. Diversity, Social Justice, and the Educational Leader, 4(1), 3.

    Jenkins, D. A. (2021). Unspoken Grammar of Place: Anti-Blackness as a Spatial Imaginary in Education. Journal of School Leadership, 31(1–2), 107–126.

    Wun C. (2016). Against captivity: Black girls and school discipline policies in the afterlife of slavery. Educational Policy, 30(1), 171–196

  • Callier, D. M. (2018). Still, nobody mean more: Engaging black feminist pedagogies on questions of the citizen and human in anti-Blackqueer times. Curriculum Inquiry, 48(1), 16–34.

    Curry, T. J. (2015). Back to the Woodshop: Black Education, Imperial Pedagogy, and Post-Racial Mythology under the Reign of Obama. Teachers College Record (1970), 117(14), 27–52.

    Johnson, J. T. (2012). Place-based learning and knowing: Critical pedagogies grounded in Indigeneity. GeoJournal, 77(6), 829-836.

    Lee, C. H., & Soep, E. (2016). None but ourselves can free our minds: Critical computational literacy as a pedagogy of resistance. Equity & Excellence in Education, 49(4), 480-492.

  • Jenkins D. A. (2018). From segregation to congregation: A case study of community engage urban school reform [Doctoral dissertation, UCLA].

    Lipman P. (2018). Segregation, the ‘black spatial imagination,’ and radical social transformation. Democracy and Education, 26(2), 9.

    Watkins J. (2015). Spatial imaginaries research in geography: Synergies, tensions, and new directions. Geography Compass, 9(9), 508–522.